How can business build more resilient health systems and leverage health as an argument to accelerate climate, 性质与衡平法诉讼?

发表: 2022年5月5日
类型: 新闻

日内瓦,2022年5月5日至今 The 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD) together with Guidehouse and 德勤 have released new guidance today to help global businesses strengthen health system resilience and drive accelerated action on climate, 自然与公平.

Over the course of 2021, 23 WBCSD member companies led the work of the 健康的人健康的企业 coalition and sought to better understand the health implications of the planetary emergency. They explored how businesses from a range of sectors can contribute to enhancing health system resilience. 今天公布了这项工作的中期结果:

1) 健康的人, 健康的 Business: Strategies for business to strengthen health system resilience

This white paper demonstrates that businesses from a variety of sectors - far beyond the health sector - play essential roles in building health system resilience and thereby contributing to achieving the highest attainable standard of health and wellbeing for everyone, 到处都是. 在部门内建立密切的伙伴关系, across sectors and with governments and multilateral institutions is key to bridging private and public domains, 能力建设和知识转移.

2) 健康的人, 健康的 Planet: Understanding the relationship between human health and natural systems

This white paper unpacks the relationship between human health and natural systems, outlining the health implications of climate change and nature loss – and demonstrating that the planetary crisis is also a health crisis. It provides guidance on how businesses from a wide range of sectors can use this information to drive accelerated climate, 性质与衡平法诉讼. It makes the case that by integrating health into business decision-making, companies have the opportunity to connect the environmental and social dimensions of sustainability and build long-term business resilience in the face of an ever-growing burden of disease that looks set to threaten societies and economies now and in the future. 


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the most significant global public health crisis and deepest economic downturn in a century. The tragic consequences experienced by communities across the world have brought the issues of health and wellbeing to the forefront of the global political and economic agenda.

The pandemic has reminded the world that health and wellbeing are the foundations on which societies and economies thrive. It has also prompted reflection and challenged societies to re-imagine how to promote and protect health more broadly and equitably moving forward, putting them on course to realize many of the ambitions laid out in United Nations Sustainable 发展 Goal 3: Good 健康 and Well-being.

在此背景下,水务署成立了 健康的人健康的企业 coalition that brings together 23 leading members to explore and identify how businesses from a broad range of sectors can maximize their contributions to achieve the highest possible standards of health and wellbeing.

One of the priorities of this coalition has been to help businesses implement the actions laid out in the 健康 & 幸福的途径 of 2050年正规博彩十大网站:是时候转型了. 由水务署于2021年3月推出, 2050年正规博彩十大网站 provides the business community with guidance on how it can lead the transformations needed for a world in which more than 9 billion people are able to live well, 在地球范围内, by 2050.

更具体地说, this coalition of companies has been exploring the role of the private sector in building more resilient and accessible health systems and to better understand the health implications of the planetary emergency with a view to accelerating climate, 性质与衡平法诉讼.


The coalition will bring together highlights and key findings of this work in a flagship report later in 2022 that will help to reshape the perception of the boundaries of health systems and present a narrative for business from a range of sectors to integrate health and wellbeing more centrally into their decision-making and core activities.

It will address why health and wellbeing are key ingredients to global sustainability and a livable future, what the opportunities are for business to drive positive health outcomes and how business can protect, 促进自然健康.

的成员 健康的人健康的企业 联盟如下:3M, 阿伯特, Arcadis, 贝克麦肯齐, 生原体, 科莱恩, 德勤, 埃奈尔, 埃尼集团, 嗯, 葛兰素史克公司, Guidehouse, 宜家集团, 三菱公司的, 雀巢, 诺华制药, (OCP集团, 菲利普莫里斯国际利洁时公司, 索尔维, Sompo控股, 特灵技术, 联合利华.

有关这项工作的更多信息以及如何参与,请联系 Uta Jungermann,水务署健康及福利经理.

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